Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Effective business impact analysis

While it’s important for businesses to perform risk assessments, it’s equally important to initiate a business impact analysis (BIA) in order to maximize business continuity. Why? Simply because the crux of any recovery is about whether it is achieved in a reasonable time, and BIA, if performed effectively, will determine exactly that. Knowing this, isn’t… Continue reading Effective business impact analysis

Successful business impact analysis

Business operators know that when it comes to business continuity, everything is about time. It doesn’t matter if you can recover your business activities if this isn’t achieved in reasonable time. But what is considered “reasonable”? This is what the business impact analysis (BIA) determines. The BIA aims to find out what the recovery time… Continue reading Successful business impact analysis

Business impact analysis tips

Many people wonder why it’s necessary to perform business impact analysis (BIA) when they’ve already invested a large amount of time on a risk assessment. The answer is simple: because the purpose of a BIA is different, and wrong results could incur unnecessary expenses or create inadequate business continuity strategies. To that end, let’s take… Continue reading Business impact analysis tips