Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Using BI in your business

Business Intelligence, or BI, refers to the processes and systems involved in the collection of business information for analysis to determine the past and current status of your company. It serves to give a better insight into what is about to transpire. Many companies from different industries use BI tools in their business, but the… Continue reading Using BI in your business

How businesses can benefit from BI

Several companies nowadays rely on Business Intelligence or BI tools to analyze information generated by their business. These tools are either installed on computers or cloud-based and accessible on the Web. These applications allow users to ensure that everyone is on the same path with regards to achieving their business goals. The question is, how… Continue reading How businesses can benefit from BI

What your business can get from BI

Business Intelligence or BI applications are used by businesses from different fields for their information analysis. These tools help determine what individual businesses may be doing right or wrong, which can help them decide on the best path to take to reach their goals. BI tools are helpful to many businesses. However, some business owners… Continue reading What your business can get from BI