Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Better virtualization options on the way

The virtualization market is dominated by two vendors: Amazon Web Services and VMware. Both have the largest market share in their respective fields, the former in cloud-based solutions and the latter in on-premises virtualization. Now, those two platforms are compatible with each other. Virtualization review Traditional servers and desktops use computer hardware inefficiently. Their multitasking… Continue reading Better virtualization options on the way

Virtualization vendors work together

Until recently, business owners had to choose between cloud-based virtualization and on-premises virtualization. Although implementing either option from scratch was affordable, moving an existing on-premises setup into the cloud was expensive. Thankfully, two of the biggest virtualization vendors are working together to make this problem a thing of the past. Virtualization review Traditional servers and… Continue reading Virtualization vendors work together

Huge virtualization partnership is now live

In a win-win move for virtualization vendors and end-users, two of the biggest names in the industry are making their platforms compatible with each other. Amazon Web Services (AWS) can now host virtual machines that use VMware, and that has huge implications for disaster recovery plans. Virtualization review Traditional servers and desktops use computer hardware… Continue reading Huge virtualization partnership is now live

Amazon releases high-end virtual desktops

It’s nearly impossible to discuss virtualization without bringing up Amazon Web Services (AWS). It was one of the first big names in user-friendly virtualization services and it’s only gotten better over the years. With its latest release, AWS is providing customers with some serious computing power. What are AWS virtual desktops? If you have employees… Continue reading Amazon releases high-end virtual desktops

Amazon Web Services’ new virtual desktops

If your business is considering cloud virtual desktops, you’ve undoubtedly looked into Amazon Web Services. AWS offers one of the most reliable and easily accessible options on the market, including the recent release of high-powered machines with direct access to Amazon’s data centers. What are AWS virtual desktops? If you have employees who need occasional… Continue reading Amazon Web Services’ new virtual desktops

Faster Amazon Web Services virtual desktops

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the biggest names in virtualization and cloud computing. Its global network and intuitive platform have made it easier for customers to get more mileage out of their existing technology, and now AWS is offering even more powerful services. What are AWS virtual desktops? If you have employees who… Continue reading Faster Amazon Web Services virtual desktops