Technology Advice for Small Businesses

6 CRM best practices you need to know

Most companies have customer relationship management (CRM) software to help them keep track of contact information and purchase history. But having a large database is worthless if you’re not using it to build long-lasting relationships. To keep existing clients coming back and bring new ones in, follow these CRM best practices. Always update customer information… Continue reading 6 CRM best practices you need to know

CRM tips and tricks for beginners

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is essential for every marketing, sales, and customer service department. It allows you to capture your customers’ information and keep a record of their interactions with your business. If you’re new to the concept of CRM, here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of… Continue reading CRM tips and tricks for beginners

The link between big data and profit

Big data. You may have heard of it; after all it’s been putting in an appearance at boardroom meetings across the globe for some time now. But what actually is big data? And what does it mean when applied in a business environment? More importantly, what can it do and how can it help your… Continue reading The link between big data and profit

Using big data to increase profit

Investor with growth chart of profits.

Pushing the envelope, thinking outside the box, keeping someone in the loop. All of these phrases, and countless more, have had their turn in the corporate spotlight. Thankfully now, in most working environments, they have been consigned to history. However, one buzzword is making the rounds at the moment and – unlike some of its… Continue reading Using big data to increase profit

How big data can increase your profit

Satisfied man holding two money bags

One of the biggest, buzziest phrases making the rounds in corporate circles at the moment is “big data”. But what does big data actually mean? What is it and, more importantly, what can it do for your business or organization? The good news is that it’s not just another tired old buzz word that actually… Continue reading How big data can increase your profit

How SEO increases your online presence

The Internet has transformed the way businesses approach clients. More and more people are using the Internet to search for what they want, and if your company’s website is ranked high in popular search engines then you can easily attract more visitors – which means more potential clients. But the question is, how can you… Continue reading How SEO increases your online presence

SEO 101: Building an online presence

Over the past few years, technology has taken the business world by storm. With so many people using search engines to find answers, products, and local service providers, you really are missing out if you’ve failed to establish a business website. As more and more business owners jump into the website game, the scramble for… Continue reading SEO 101: Building an online presence

Boost your online presence with SEO

Technology has completely changed the way we do business. Gone are the days when customers had to drop by your company to purchase your products and services. Now they can simply visit your website, see what you have to offer, and make an online payment – all in a matter of minutes. But if you… Continue reading Boost your online presence with SEO

What is business analytics?

There are many important components of a business, and data is definitely among the most popular. Pause and think for a moment how much of your business relies on it. It would be a challenge for a business to function without it. For business owners that look into data, many will have heard the term… Continue reading What is business analytics?

Define: Business analytics

It seems like over the past five years or so, understanding, processing and leveraging of data has become one of the most important parts of a business. When reading about data you often come across the term ‘business analytics’. Despite this terms common usage many people are confused as to what exactly it is and… Continue reading Define: Business analytics