Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to manage virtualization security risks

When it comes to security, topics like the cloud and networks get wide coverage on Internet blogs and forums. However, other types of technology fly completely under the radar. Virtualization just so happens to fall into this category. And just because people aren’t talking about it doesn’t mean virtualized machines and infrastructure should be left… Continue reading How to manage virtualization security risks

Manage the security risks of virtualization

Virtualization security is a topic that often goes undiscussed on the Internet, and you may even think it’s a non-issue because of this. However, like the rest of your technology, a virtualized infrastructure must be secured. To help keep yours protected, here are some of the security risks involved with virtualization and how you can… Continue reading Manage the security risks of virtualization

The security risks of virtualization

While virtualization security is not often talked about, it is nevertheless important. Like all technology, securing your virtualized infrastructure is vital to the success of your business. So what are some of the security risks posed by virtualization? And how can you mitigate them? Here are some answers you should consider. Security risks of virtualization… Continue reading The security risks of virtualization