Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Get your network gear ready with UPS

Clever business owners utilize an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) during disasters like fires, storms, and other emergency situations. A UPS is usually set up for desktop computers to give users enough time to save their work and progress. Another useful power-saving plan for emergency situations would be to use a UPS for networking gear. UPS… Continue reading Get your network gear ready with UPS

Will you put UPS in your network equipment?

When a power outage occurs, smart business owners use an emergency power system to keep workstations from suddenly shutting down. This prevents data loss and keeps computers operational. Connecting your networking equipment to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system will also keep your employees productive during a power outage. UPS for network equipment UPS systems… Continue reading Will you put UPS in your network equipment?

Why UPS is important in network gear

Storms, floods, fire, and other emergencies can cause productivity loss due to power failure. Utilizing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your workstations will ensure that you never lose unsaved work. But what about your online connection? To avoid being crippled by loss of internet connection, it’s a good idea to plug routers, wireless access… Continue reading Why UPS is important in network gear

Mobile devices in the field

Field workers. You see them every day. And you notice that they, too, use mobile devices, as now more than ever do they need to stay connected with their organizations to stay in business. This is where mobile performance management, a critical factor for any field worker to perform and finish tasks on time, comes… Continue reading Mobile devices in the field

How connectivity impacts mobile workers

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and laptops, have changed the landscape of business organizations everywhere. Nowadays, businesses arm their workers with these devices in the field, making mobile performance and connectivity highly essential. Optimizing IT systems for mobile workers isn’t easy, but there are a few simple tricks you can try. The ability to manage… Continue reading How connectivity impacts mobile workers

5 tips on keeping mobile workers connected

Due to increasing connectivity and technological advances, mobile workers are increasingly becoming the norm in almost every industry. Business owners need to ensure these workers stay connected, so we’ve got some helpful tips in how to effectively apply mobile performance management. The ability to manage the workforce out in the field requires a modern support… Continue reading 5 tips on keeping mobile workers connected

Top 4 reasons for lagging mobile internet

Fed up with your phone because of its slow internet speed? Before you rush off to the nearest electronic store to purchase a new one, take a look at these four reasons why your phone’s internet is slow. Router location One simple yet overlooked reason why your WiFi-connected phone may be experiencing internet lag is… Continue reading Top 4 reasons for lagging mobile internet

4 reasons for slow mobile internet speeds

Have you ever gotten frustrated with your phone because the browser took more than five minutes to load? Before you start blaming your old phone, check out these four reasons that might be the cause of sluggish internet connection. Router location One simple yet overlooked reason why your WiFi-connected phone may be experiencing internet lag… Continue reading 4 reasons for slow mobile internet speeds

Why your phone has slow internet speed

In today’s world, staying connected means having strong internet and a high-speed phone. But you may discover that your internet-based apps are loading much slower after using your phone for months. Learn four reasons why your phone’s internet is lagging. Router location One simple yet overlooked reason why your WiFi-connected phone may be experiencing internet… Continue reading Why your phone has slow internet speed

Essential macOS High Sierra updates

The macOS 10.13.1 High Sierra update “improves the security, stability, and reliability of your Mac and is recommended for all users.” This is a standard message in most operating system updates, but users seldom pay heed. This time, however, Apple’s latest Mac OS includes a security update that’s essential to keeping your devices safe from… Continue reading Essential macOS High Sierra updates