Technology Advice for Small Businesses

20 Common Web design terms

Pretty much every profession has its own language or set of terms that those working in that field quickly master and use on an everyday level with colleagues. However, this can pose problems for those people not involved directly with a specific industry. For example, it can be a challenge for business owners to effectively… Continue reading 20 Common Web design terms

20 popular Web designer terms

Business owners often have more than one role, overseeing many different aspects of the day-to-day operations at once. A possible problem that can arise though is that they may not be experts in every area which can cause confusion or issues. Take for example Web design – business owners might know what they want their… Continue reading 20 popular Web designer terms

Common Web design terms

When it comes to Web design many business owners and managers work with a Web designer or developer. These Web experts often use terms that you may not be familiar with and which in essence sound like another language. This can make it difficult to communicate and to ultimately get your point across to achieve… Continue reading Common Web design terms