Technology Advice for Small Businesses

What Apple’s CallKit is all about

Over-the-Internet telephony systems, otherwise known as VoIP (Voice-over-Internet Protocol), have made personal and business communications much easier since they were first introduced. Communicating via the internet is undoubtedly a viable, cost-efficient substitute for traditional telephone systems, and enterprises of all sizes are smart to adapt to it. Apple’s CallKit is about to introduce even more… Continue reading What Apple’s CallKit is all about

Calling all VoIP users: CallKit is here

Business communications have never been the same since VoIP (Voice-over-Internet Protocol) was launched in 1995. Thanks to this cutting-edge technology, businesses of all sizes are able to use IP telephony systems to significantly cut costs and increase communications efficiency and flexibility. CallKit, Apple’s new framework introduced in September 2016, is a compelling new technology designed… Continue reading Calling all VoIP users: CallKit is here

Apple CallKit: what it can and cannot do

VoIP technology has done wonders for business communications by simplifying the way business owners and staff communicate with stakeholders. VoIP apps compete for a big slice of the consumer spending pie and those who adapt well to developments are poised to succeed. One such development is Apple’s new framework, CallKit. Although still in its beginning… Continue reading Apple CallKit: what it can and cannot do