Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Better internet security: Easy as 1, 2, 3

The internet is not such a bad place to be in — for as long as website owners do their share in keeping it safe for their visitors. Here are three tips to do exactly just that. Tip 1: Use HTTPS Short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, HTTPS indicates that a website has an extra… Continue reading Better internet security: Easy as 1, 2, 3

Make site visitors feel secure with these tips

Don’t give your customers any reason to feel insecure when dealing with your business. When they visit and use your website, you must engender feelings of trust and security instead of alarm and distrust. Don’t worry — you can easily do this with these three tips. Tip 1: Use HTTPS Short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol… Continue reading Make site visitors feel secure with these tips

What are two-step and two-factor authentication?

Some data breaches result from the theft of a user’s login credentials. To keep your business safe, you need to implement a two-factor or two-step authentication process. These authentication methods may sound the same, but they are two vastly different processes. Read on to learn the differences between two-step authentication and two-factor authentication. If you… Continue reading What are two-step and two-factor authentication?

Two-step and two-factor authentication: What’s the difference?

Every business should have a strong cybersecurity posture to keep cybercriminals from infiltrating their network. One way to do this is by implementing a strict authentication process using two-step or two-factor authentication. These two processes are so similar that many confuse one with the other. Learn the difference between the two and how you can… Continue reading Two-step and two-factor authentication: What’s the difference?

Two excellent ways to verify user identity

A secure login process is an excellent way to protect your business from cybercriminals. When it comes to verifying user identity, you can choose between two-step authentication and two-factor authentication. Learn the difference between the two so you can have a better appreciation of your cybersecurity options. If you want to improve your business’s cybersecurity,… Continue reading Two excellent ways to verify user identity

Make site visitors feel secure with these tips

When customers visit and use your website, engender feelings of trust and security instead of alarm and distrust. Easily improve feelings of internet security with these three tips.

Better internet security: Easy as 1, 2, 3

The internet is not such a bad place to be in — for as long as website owners do their share in keeping it safe for their visitors. Here are three tips to do exactly just that.

Improve internet security with these easy tips

It pays to take extra precautions when surfing the web. We’ve compiled these three easy tips that can amp up your online security.

Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them. This… Continue reading Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Protecting your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

The Facebook worldwide privacy scandal should have been a wake up call for all of us to revisit our social media privacy settings. We should be vigilant in keeping our personal information safe. Here are tips to keep your Facebook and Twitter accounts well-secured. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices… Continue reading Protecting your Facebook and Twitter from hackers