Technology Advice for Small Businesses

A closer look at fileless malware

To avoid detection by antimalware programs, cybercriminals are increasingly abusing legitimate software tools and legitimate programs in systems to steal data or ruin its integrity. They use fileless malware to infiltrate trusted applications and issue executables that blend in with normal network traffic or IT/system administration tasks while leaving fewer footprints. Ultimately, your business could… Continue reading A closer look at fileless malware

Fileless malware: The guileful threat

Fileless malware isn’t new and are an increasingly prevalent threat against organizations. This type of malware is not as visible as traditional malware and employs a variety of techniques to stay persistent. Consequently, it can adversely affect your business process and the infrastructures that run them. Let’s take a closer look at how it works… Continue reading Fileless malware: The guileful threat

Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Over the past few years, the security industry has been witnessing a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware, which uses legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities such as unauthorized data retrieval or data damage. It therefore pays to stay abreast of such… Continue reading Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Is fileless malware a threat to you?

There have been some truly horrifying cyber-security headlines popping up over the last month. If you’ve been reading about “fileless” malware attacking banks and other big-name institutions around the world, we’re here to set the record straight: Your business isn’t in direct danger. But even if you’re not, staying abreast of all the details is… Continue reading Is fileless malware a threat to you?

Fileless malware: who are the targets?

Business owners have spent the last couple months fearful of cyber attacks from the “fileless malware” plastered across headlines. The reality of this new threat doesn’t actually call for panic…yet. Getting acquainted with this new malware today could save you from a headache in the future. What is this new threat? To oversimplify the matter,… Continue reading Fileless malware: who are the targets?

Fileless malware is back, are you at risk?

How many times have you read a shocking headline, only to find the attached article incredibly underwhelming? Over the last several weeks headlines decrying the threat of “fileless malware” have been everywhere, but the truth is a little less scary. Let’s take a look at what’s really going on and who’s actually at risk. What… Continue reading Fileless malware is back, are you at risk?