Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Early adopters share iPad Pro feedback

People love websites like TripAdvisor, Yelp and Angie’s List for a reason: feedback from real customers is invaluable when making a purchase decision. When it comes to Apple’s iPad Pro, you may’ve had some difficulty tracking down what actual users think about the tablet as it’s still a new technology. Well, today, you’re in luck.… Continue reading Early adopters share iPad Pro feedback

iPad Pro: 4 pluses, 4 minuses

The iPad Pro has been out for several months now. Over the course of this time, millions of users across the globe have had the opportunity to spend quality time with Apple’s new tablet. But for those of us who aren’t quite certain they should purchase one yet, we’re still wondering, “how has it worked… Continue reading iPad Pro: 4 pluses, 4 minuses

iPad Pro feedback from early adopters

You may still be on the fence about whether or not to purchase an iPad Pro for your business. While you can find a lot of coverage on Apple’s latest tablet online, you may wonder what actual users think. Today, you’ll discover just that. CIO, a website that delivers the latest news and tips for… Continue reading iPad Pro feedback from early adopters