Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How SMBs can benefit from VoIP data

Businessman Working Dashboard Strategy Research Concept

Most of us have heard of the great things that Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can do for businesses. These include lower telephone bills, diverse functions, and increased mobility. But did you know that VoIP can also give you better access to customer data? Here are five ways it can work for you. Time/Date data… Continue reading How SMBs can benefit from VoIP data

How to take advantage of your VoIP data

Businessman touching financial dashboard with key performance indicators

You hear a lot about big data nowadays, but not in connection with small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). To compete with the big guys, SMBs need Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to get better access to customer data. Read on for the best ways to leverage your VoIP data to serve clients. Time/Date data The… Continue reading How to take advantage of your VoIP data

5 Ways to benefit from VoIP phones

If you’re making or receiving Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls, you may gather a lot of valuable data without knowing it. Whether you’re still getting accustomed to your new telephone system, or you’re simply unaware of your VoIP data, here are five things you can do to benefit from it. Time/Date data The information… Continue reading 5 Ways to benefit from VoIP phones

5 ways to get a better ROI from your VoIP phones

If you’re making or receiving VoIP calls from clients you may be sitting on top of a trove of valuable data, and not even know it. Whether you’re still getting accustomed to your new telephony system and its features or you’ve been using it for much longer and are simply unaware of its existence, it’s… Continue reading 5 ways to get a better ROI from your VoIP phones

How to get the most out of your VoIP data

Businessman touching financial dashboard with key performance indicators

Big data is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot these days, but rarely in conjunction with SMBs. VoIP has often been touted as a way for small businesses to access enterprise-level functionalities, and better access to customer data is one of the many ways to do exactly that. Keep reading for coverage of… Continue reading How to get the most out of your VoIP data

VoIP delivers big data to small businesses

Businessman Working Dashboard Strategy Research Concept

Most of us have heard of the wonders that VoIP can provide to businesses, cheaper telephony, more diverse functionalities and increased mobility — but have you heard about the better access to customer data? As technology continues to connect us in new and exciting ways there is an endless supply of data to interpret. VoIP… Continue reading VoIP delivers big data to small businesses