Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Prevent the ultimate break/fix nightmare

Have your IT problems become chronic? Is your break/fix contractor hanging around your office so often that he’s on first-name terms with the maid? If you’re starting to think about an alternative IT solution that can clear up your chronic IT issues for good, Managed Services may be just what you’ve been dreaming of. Even… Continue reading Prevent the ultimate break/fix nightmare

How break/fix is eating at your profits

Have you started to wonder if your break/fix contractor is fixing your IT problems to the best of his abilities? Does he seem to be showing up to your office more and more, repairing the same problem time and again? If so, it may be time to consider another option: Managed Services. This alternative could… Continue reading How break/fix is eating at your profits

Why you should quit break/fix

You’ve been using your break/fix contractor for years. For the most part, he’s been reliable and helped your business run a smooth IT operation. But you’ve been hearing more and more about Managed Services, and it’s peaked your interest. If you’re thinking about making the jump from break/fix to Managed Services, here are a few… Continue reading Why you should quit break/fix