Technology Advice for Small Businesses

New heights in data compliance penalties

The tech industry is littered with buzzwords: overused jargon generally meant to inspire feelings of hope and accomplishment. Not all have positive connotations however, and data compliance is one of those spooky buzzwords that many small- and medium-sized businesses have scant specific knowledge about. What better way to gain a clearer understanding of the consequences… Continue reading New heights in data compliance penalties

Record $5.5 million HIPAA penalty doled out

If your organization hosts data regulated by the US government, you’re familiar with the scare tactics used to sell hosting services. But what lurks behind those vague threats of expensive lawsuits and unfair liability burdens? HIPAA is nearly 100 pages long and few providers actually know what it requires. Unfortunately, it took a massive breach… Continue reading Record $5.5 million HIPAA penalty doled out

HIPAA liability: record settlement reached

Is being responsible for electronic medical records a daily source of trepidation for you or your business? While the sentiment is understandable, it often results from a lack of understanding about what HIPAA compliance actually means. As industry-wide penalties continue to rise every year, it’s essential to take a closer look at who is being… Continue reading HIPAA liability: record settlement reached

What can we expect from Apple HealthKit?

Managing and monitoring medical data is incredibly complex, especially for the layman who won’t be able to understand the terminology. With the iOS 10 update rapidly approaching, both consumers and healthcare industries will have something to be excited about – the Apple HealthKit. The built-in health app allows you to save and manage medical records… Continue reading What can we expect from Apple HealthKit?

Apple HealthKit: what’s in it for you?

Medical records are generally inaccessible and hard to understand. In fact, if you were to try reading your own medical data, you might find that it’s almost as if it’s in a different language. A medical record can be riddled with cryptic phrases, acronyms and complex terms that mean nothing in the eyes of someone… Continue reading Apple HealthKit: what’s in it for you?