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macOS High Sierra 101

Rejoice Apple users, the new macOS High Sierra is now available as a public beta! So let’s cut to the chase and address the long-awaited question: What’s new and exciting here? In terms of visible features, not a lot, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. With that in mind, here’s macOS High Sierra’s new… Continue reading macOS High Sierra 101

What’s new in macOS High Sierra?

macOS High Sierra’s public beta is now available and it happens to be the first full OS upgrade since Snow Leopard. Despite that, the new OS’ most notable enhancements are not about features per se, but rather speed and future proofing Apple’s technology. Having said that, here’s the latest from High Sierra. Photos Photos gets… Continue reading What’s new in macOS High Sierra?

macOS High Sierra’s new features

High Sierra — Mac’s first full OS upgrade since Snow Leopard in 2009 — has finally been released as public beta. But users who expect shiny new features might feel slightly disappointed as the new OS’ most useful updates are actually under the hood. To that end, let’s take a look at what’s new in… Continue reading macOS High Sierra’s new features