Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Tips to connect an external monitor to your Mac

If you’re one of many people who regularly or permanently work from home, you’ve probably thought about how much more convenient it will be to work using two monitors instead of one. Mac users who wish to use two monitors but don’t know how should follow these tips. First, check which displays your Mac device… Continue reading Tips to connect an external monitor to your Mac

Ways to connect a Mac to an external monitor

You can’t beat the convenience of having two monitors while working. For one, you don’t have to constantly shift from one window to the other while doing different things all at the same time. Mac users who prefer having open pages side by side will find this guide on how to connect their Mac with… Continue reading Ways to connect a Mac to an external monitor

How to use external monitors with Mac computers

It’s much more convenient to work when you have two monitors. In case you’re using a Mac computer (a MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or Mac mini) and want to hook an external monitor to it, we’ve got a few tips for you. First, check which displays your Mac device supports by doing the following: Click… Continue reading How to use external monitors with Mac computers