Technology Advice for Small Businesses

The New MacBook is ready to launch

Apple has reinvented its MacBook Air in response to users’ complaints about poor resolution. The latest product, named the New MacBook, corrects this issue and comes with a higher resolution, thinner body, and much more. The New MacBook made its debut at the Apple Watch event earlier in March. Here’s everything you need to know… Continue reading The New MacBook is ready to launch

Apple unveils the New MacBook

Earlier in March, Apple unveiled its brand-new notebook to be added to the MacBook product line. This notebook was initially known as the Retina MacBook Air, but Apple has now decided to name it the New MacBook, in the hope of expanding its line of products. The New MacBook offers a range of features with… Continue reading Apple unveils the New MacBook

New MacBook 2015 is coming

Apple announced the release of an all-new MacBook at its Spring Forward Apple Watch event earlier this month. This latest innovation in the MacBook family is simply named the New MacBook, creating a new product line alongside the existing MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. Here’s a rundown of the New MacBook’s specs and features, and… Continue reading New MacBook 2015 is coming