Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to lock your Mac easily for added security

Do you ever worry you may be leaving private information exposed on your Mac when you leave to grab a drink or use the bathroom? What if a nosy employee or thief jumps on your computer and sees or steals your confidential information? It may sound unlikely, but it can happen. So if you’re looking… Continue reading How to lock your Mac easily for added security

Leaving your desk? Here’s how to lock your Mac

Imagine it’s an ordinary day at your office and you decide to get up and leave your desk to grab a drink. You walk out the door, get what you need and are back 5 minutes later. You plop down into your seat, and immediately notice something is different. There are confidential documents open on… Continue reading Leaving your desk? Here’s how to lock your Mac

Mac’s beta of their new OS, El Capitan, is here

Later this fall, Apple will be releasing their new operating system, El Capitan. For all those Mac lovers who are anxiously chomping at the bit to test out this new OS, you’re in luck. A beta version has been released, and users can sign up to try it out through the Apple Beta Software Program.… Continue reading Mac’s beta of their new OS, El Capitan, is here

What’s new in the beta of Mac’s El Capitan OS

This autumn, Apple will release their new operating system currently known as El Capitan. And if the mere thought of waiting months to get your hands on it leaves you with a sinking feeling in your stomach, Apple has released a beta version for those interested in testing it out now. To do so, simply… Continue reading What’s new in the beta of Mac’s El Capitan OS

4 useful features of the beta for Mac’s new OS

If you have yet to hear, Apple will be releasing their new Mac OS later this year known simply as El Capitan. For some, the best news is that you don’t have to wait till the fall to try it out. Apple has released a beta version that is available to test now by signing… Continue reading 4 useful features of the beta for Mac’s new OS

Tricks to become more efficient using Mac OS

We’re all busy. That’s why if you’re a Mac user and not familiar with your computer’s shortcuts and tips, they can be a useful advantage that will save hours of your time in the long run. For those who are not well versed in shortcuts and other handy tricks for their beloved Apple computer, here… Continue reading Tricks to become more efficient using Mac OS

Little known tips to get the most out of Mac OS

If you’re like most people, you may not have time to search through the bowels of the Internet to find the shortcuts and tips that make it easier to use your Mac. You may think Macs are already so easy to use that you don’t even need shortcuts. But if a shortcut helps you save… Continue reading Little known tips to get the most out of Mac OS

Get the most out of Mac OS with these nifty tips

Most Mac users love the user-friendly, easy-to-navigate interface the Apple brand is known for. But did you know that using your Mac can be even easier? It’s hard to believe, but if you’ve never taken the time to get familiar with your system’s shortcuts, there are a few that are sure to save you hours… Continue reading Get the most out of Mac OS with these nifty tips