Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How Managed Services boost productivity

Have you heard of Managed Services, but are still unsure of how they can help your business? Do you often hear IT providers trying to sell them with words and phrases like “productivity” and “more profits”? If you’re looking for a clearer description of just how Managed Services can increase your productivity, today is your… Continue reading How Managed Services boost productivity

Managed Services demystified

You may have heard of Managed Services, but are clueless as to how they can help your business. You may have heard of how they can boost productivity and increase profits, but are unsure of exactly how they do that. For those who need a better understanding of just how Managed Services can benefit a… Continue reading Managed Services demystified

Prevent the ultimate break/fix nightmare

Have your IT problems become chronic? Is your break/fix contractor hanging around your office so often that he’s on first-name terms with the maid? If you’re starting to think about an alternative IT solution that can clear up your chronic IT issues for good, Managed Services may be just what you’ve been dreaming of. Even… Continue reading Prevent the ultimate break/fix nightmare

How break/fix is eating at your profits

Have you started to wonder if your break/fix contractor is fixing your IT problems to the best of his abilities? Does he seem to be showing up to your office more and more, repairing the same problem time and again? If so, it may be time to consider another option: Managed Services. This alternative could… Continue reading How break/fix is eating at your profits

Why you should quit break/fix

You’ve been using your break/fix contractor for years. For the most part, he’s been reliable and helped your business run a smooth IT operation. But you’ve been hearing more and more about Managed Services, and it’s peaked your interest. If you’re thinking about making the jump from break/fix to Managed Services, here are a few… Continue reading Why you should quit break/fix

Effective business continuity planning

Devising your business continuity plan can be complex. The whole process of discovering which are your business’s critical assets may feel like unravelling a knotted ball of yarn. In other words, it can be a tricky and time consuming process. But what if there was a way to speed up the ordeal? If you know… Continue reading Effective business continuity planning

Tips for an effective business disaster plan

Have you just started mapping out your business continuity plan but are having difficulty determining your company’s critical assets? Maybe Jane from IT believes your firewall is crucial, but Don from accounting assures you the company’s financial records take precedence. It may begin to feel like the whole process is turning into an argument. So… Continue reading Tips for an effective business disaster plan

Creating an effective business disaster plan

You’ve been putting that business continuity plan off for months now, but you’ve finally decided to go through with it. You start by talking to members of your staff, partners and service providers. And it doesn’t take long to see that everyone has a different opinion about what to recover first when disaster strikes. The… Continue reading Creating an effective business disaster plan