Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Protect your network from watering hole attacks

With evil elements continuously developing novel ways to infiltrate networks and steal user data, it is more crucial than ever to stay one step ahead of the curve. Protect yourself from cybercriminals by learning more about their methods. Here are some tips to deal with the threat of watering hole attacks: What are watering hole… Continue reading Protect your network from watering hole attacks

A primer on watering hole attacks

Cyberattacks come in many different forms, with new methods being developed all the time. What’s bad is that personal information is now often stored online, be it through social media or through government and healthcare services — and these are juicy targets for criminals. Learn more about one way these criminals steal data — through… Continue reading A primer on watering hole attacks

What exactly is proactive cybersecurity?

Most managed IT services providers (MSPs) promise “proactive” cybersecurity consulting. Businesses large and small embrace the idea of preventing cyberattacks and data breaches before they happen, and MSPs themselves would much rather brainstorm safeguards than troubleshoot time-sensitive downtime events. But it’s not always clear what proactive cybersecurity means, so let’s take a minute to go… Continue reading What exactly is proactive cybersecurity?

5 proactive defenses against cyberattacks

As IT security consultants, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) such as ours want to provide clients with enterprise-level IT, but that requires that we specialize in overwhelmingly intricate technology. Explaining even the most fundamental aspects of cybersecurity would most likely put you to sleep instead of… Continue reading 5 proactive defenses against cyberattacks

Is your IT security proactive?

Do you spend hours obsessing about the inner workings of DNS-layer security, intrusion prevention systems, and data encryption? If you’re not a managed IT services provider (MSP), you probably don’t. Instead, you’re probably looking for a business partner to manage those nitty-gritty details for you. However, there’s one thing you really ought to know: What… Continue reading Is your IT security proactive?

What are watering hole attacks?

When talking about cyberattacks, the first one that usually comes to mind is phishing, a scam that uses email to spread malware or steal personal information. But hackers have a new method to infiltrate your systems, and it’s surprisingly effective. Here’s what you need to know about watering hole attacks. What are watering hole attacks?… Continue reading What are watering hole attacks?

Safety tips for watering hole attacks

Bad news, internet users: Cybercriminals have developed more advanced tricks to compromise your systems. While you may be familiar with attacks involving suspicious emails, the new kid on the block known as watering hole attacks are far more nefarious and effective. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe. What… Continue reading Safety tips for watering hole attacks

Beware of watering hole attacks!

Hackers have plenty of ways to breach your systems. They can use complex programs to exploit software bugs, send emails to dupe you into downloading malware, or insert a malware-infected USB drive directly into your computer. However, another increasingly popular hacking method is a watering hole attack. What are watering hole attacks? Much like phishing,… Continue reading Beware of watering hole attacks!

What exactly is preventive cyber-security?

There has been a movement among technology providers to promise “proactive” cyber security consulting. Small- and medium-sized businesses love the idea of preventing cyber-attacks and data breaches before they happen, and service providers would much rather brainstorm safeguards than troubleshoot time-sensitive downtime events. But it’s not always clear what proactive cyber-security means, so let’s take… Continue reading What exactly is preventive cyber-security?

5 great ways to prevent cyber-attacks

As technology consultants, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. We want to provide our clients with enterprise-level IT, but that requires that we specialize in overwhelmingly intricate technology. Explaining even the most foundational aspects of our cyber-security would most likely put you to sleep before convincing you of our expertise. But if… Continue reading 5 great ways to prevent cyber-attacks