Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Hide & Seek malware: What you need to know

What’s the worst thing that could happen to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices? If you guessed ‘getting infected with malware,’ you’re right. Many users think IoT gadgets don’t need the same protections required for PCs, laptops, and smartphones — but they do. There’s a new malware strain that attacks IoT-enabled devices, and you need… Continue reading Hide & Seek malware: What you need to know

Should you worry about the new IoT malware?

A malware infection is one of the worst things that could happen to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices. But some users don’t even know there are IoT-targeted attacks that threaten computers, networks, and data. Rebooting an IoT device is a simple way to remove malware, but for those already infected with the latest strain,… Continue reading Should you worry about the new IoT malware?

Hide & Seek: New IoT malware to watch out for

You probably think your Internet of Things (IoT) devices don’t need as much protection as your PCs or laptops. Newsflash: They’re actually even more vulnerable to hacking. In fact, researchers have discovered a terrifying strain of IoT malware that can infect your devices. What is the Hide And Seek malware? The Hide and Seek (HNS)… Continue reading Hide & Seek: New IoT malware to watch out for