Technology Advice for Small Businesses

IoT scanner detects at-risk “Smart Devices”

After the recent Dyn attack that took Netflix and other major websites down, business owners are vigilant about ensuring the security of their network and devices connected to the “Internet of Things” (IoT). A new scanner from Bullguard promises to warn owners of potential entry points for hackers. Keep reading to learn more about Bullguard’s… Continue reading IoT scanner detects at-risk “Smart Devices”

IoT scanner aids in finding vulnerabilities

Movies have been showing audiences the dangers of artificially-intelligent devices for half a century. After last month’s cyber attack on Dyn that sidelined Netflix and was caused by the cooperation of an army of bots created from hacked “Internet of Things” (IoT) devices, it seems the movies were right. If you want to know how… Continue reading IoT scanner aids in finding vulnerabilities

IoT scanner reveals security weaknesses

The owner of a small business has enough to worry about without adding online security to the mix. But with the proliferation of smart devices that come in everything from Fit Bits to smoke alarms, hackers are now able to access sensitive information. Read on to find out about the “Internet of Things” (IoT) scanner… Continue reading IoT scanner reveals security weaknesses