Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Extend the life of your laptop battery

Laptops are one of the most useful tools at a business owner’s disposal. These highly mobile devices allow you to take your work out of the office, or even just away from your desk. However, mobile as they are they still rely on batteries. The problem with some laptops however is that batteries don’t last… Continue reading Extend the life of your laptop battery

Laptop battery almost dead? Try this

Have you ever taken your laptop to a presentation or meeting and forgotten your power bar? Many laptops have batteries that really won’t last all that long when you really need them to, and it can be a pain to run out of battery at an inopportune moment. Luckily, there are a number of ways… Continue reading Laptop battery almost dead? Try this

6 Things to do when your battery is low

The laptop has become one of the more reliable tech tools at a business owner’s disposal. These mobile computers allow us to take the office with us when we are on the road. The only problem is, their usefulness often hinges on the battery power. If you have a laptop, it’s highly likely that you’ve… Continue reading 6 Things to do when your battery is low