Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Reduce the costs of your data center

Data centers can be expensive, and they can suck up large amounts of energy fast. With that said, do you know how much yours is costing you every month? You may be afraid to find out the answer. Not to fear though, there are specific steps you can take to get your data center costs… Continue reading Reduce the costs of your data center

Save energy and expense in your data center

For many business owners, the server room is one of those places you’d like to ignore, pray there’s never a problem with, and otherwise pretend doesn’t exist. It’s a foreign world, and it may even be a bit scary to you. But your feelings towards it don’t change the fact that it has the potential… Continue reading Save energy and expense in your data center

How “not virtualizing” is costing you money

You’ve probably had someone tell you before that “virtualization saves money.” But have you ever thought about what this actually means? And do you know just how virtualization does this? The truth is that, in this day and age, choosing not to virtualize can actually hurt your profits. To demonstrate this, we’ve compiled four questions… Continue reading How “not virtualizing” is costing you money

4 things to ask if you haven’t virtualized yet

For decades, business owners have considered servers, data centers and IT staff a necessity for operations. 20 years ago, no one would have ever dreamed of a workplace without these integral tools. So it’s no wonder that virtualization has taken so long to catch on. When your business has relied on certain technologies for ages,… Continue reading 4 things to ask if you haven’t virtualized yet

4 things to ask if you aren’t yet virtualizing

There’s no question about it, powering your IT equipment costs money. But the real question is just how much money? If you’ve never taken the time to run the numbers, you may be in for a big surprise. That’s why we’ve compiled four questions you need to ask yourself when you’re considering virtualization. Studies have… Continue reading 4 things to ask if you aren’t yet virtualizing