Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Why VoIP is better for your business

The telephone is an essential part of the communications toolkit in any business; it’s been used for over a century for good reason. But in today’s business world, the costs of traditional phone systems can drag down your company. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an alternative? Well, there is. If you haven’t heard… Continue reading Why VoIP is better for your business

Why VoIP beats out traditional phone service

Traditional phone lines are still the preferred choice of many businesses. However, the times they are a-changin’. And there are some good reasons to consider other options. No, that doesn’t mean getting rid of your phone altogether, but considering an alternative method that turns the whole idea of traditional phone use on its head. We’re… Continue reading Why VoIP beats out traditional phone service

Why your business should switch to VoIP

As a small or medium business, you know that costs and overheads need to be kept to a minimum if you’re going to keep the lights on. And let’s face it, if you had the opportunity to knock out some routine business expenses, you would likely do it. VoIP gives you the chance to do… Continue reading Why your business should switch to VoIP