Technology Advice for Small Businesses

VoIP options for SMBs

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as a telephony solution allows small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) to choose between traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based devices (softphones). Read on to learn which phone option best suits your needs. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone is a desk phone that is connected to your business’s IP network, just… Continue reading VoIP options for SMBs

VoIP hardphones or softphones for SMBs?

Your company has decided to avail of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and has given you the task of choosing between the two types of phones: traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based phones (softphones). To help you decide, we’ll break down the benefits of each type. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone is a desk phone… Continue reading VoIP hardphones or softphones for SMBs?

VoIP Hardphones vs Softphones

You have just decided to use VoIP as your telephony solution, but now your technician is asking how you want to use it. Do you want traditional desk phones (hardphone) or software-based devices (softphone)? Read on to discover the benefits of each and which ones are most suitable for your needs. What’s a hardphone? A… Continue reading VoIP Hardphones vs Softphones

Discover the VoIP suitable for you

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a telephony solution that allows users to make calls through any internet-enabled desk phone (hardphone) or software device (softphone). The type of business you run will determine which option is most suitable for you. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone is a desk phone that is connected to your… Continue reading Discover the VoIP suitable for you

Choosing the best VoIP option for SMBs

Internet-based technologies like VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) are widely used by small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) to bolster work productivity and efficiency. There are two kinds of phones to choose from: traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based phones (softphones). We’ll break down which is best for your business. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone is… Continue reading Choosing the best VoIP option for SMBs

Facebook Messenger: The Key to Growth

With over 1.3 billion monthly active users, Facebook’s Messenger app is an unprecedented success. Facebook is now looking to fully utilize the potential of this monster user base and has therefore added a feature for improving connectivity between local businesses and consumers. Read on to learn how this feature could benefit you! The How By… Continue reading Facebook Messenger: The Key to Growth

Facebook Messenger’s Best Feature Yet?

In November, 2017, Facebook announced that their extremely popular Facebook Messenger application would allow businesses to speak to customers on both their own websites and from within Facebook Messenger. Read on to discover how your business can benefit from this feature! The How By installing a plug-in called Customer Chat, retailers can integrate Facebook Messenger… Continue reading Facebook Messenger’s Best Feature Yet?

Facebook Messenger: What’s New?

Over 330 million consumers connected with small businesses via Facebook Messenger in 2017 alone, so it’s evident that the ‘phone call’ era is coming to a close. Since consumers now want constant, immediate online connectivity with their local car dealership, pizza joint, and other local businesses, it is only fitting that Facebook Messenger’s latest feature… Continue reading Facebook Messenger: What’s New?

What makes a good keyboard

Like new cars and smartphones, new keyboards are also initially alluring enough to elicit everyone’s oohs and ahs. But as their novelty fades, it’s easy to start taking them for granted. Is typing on them slower than before? Is the gaming experience they deliver no longer up to par? Whether for leisure or business purposes,… Continue reading What makes a good keyboard

Components of a good keyboard

Unlike shopping bags, keyboards come in an array of options. They range from ones built for typing efficiency to joint-friendly models sculpted for ergonomic usability. Considering the myriad of options, you might struggle deciding on what you should look for. While personal tastes will always play an important role in your decision, there are certain… Continue reading Components of a good keyboard