Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Defining 8 common business continuity terms

As a business owner you’ve probably heard of the benefits of a business continuity plan (BCP). It ensures your company’s protection in the event of an unexpected disaster, whether that’s natural or man-made. But you likely don’t have time to sit and learn all about business continuity procedures and terms. Hearing technical terms in meetings,… Continue reading Defining 8 common business continuity terms

8 popular business continuity terms

Businesses can face disasters at the most unexpected times, whether that’s a flash flood that takes down your servers or a sudden power outage during a thunderstorm. And when these events do happen, you as a business owner must have a business continuity plan (BCP) in place, to ensure that your company doesn’t go out… Continue reading 8 popular business continuity terms

Business continuity terms defined

A business continuity plan (BCP) is often defined as a method of putting businesses back on their feet in the event of a disaster. With this in mind, companies are increasingly concentrating their efforts on developing a BCP so that, when unexpected disasters strike, they can minimize damage and continue to function as normally as… Continue reading Business continuity terms defined