Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Build an Online Community for your Business

The word ‘Community’ is derived from the Latin term communitas meaning ‘things shared by many or all’, which hints at our innate desire to connect with others. With the Internet being such a powerful medium, connecting people regardless of their locations has never been easier. Imagine thousands and thousands of people that are genuinely interested… Continue reading Build an Online Community for your Business

Creating online communities for businesses

Gamers require an effective strategy to thwart the boss, athletes require constant updates on the latest tournaments to improve performance and businesses require an online community to fully thrive. As the saying goes: ‘What comes easy won’t last, and what lasts won’t come easy’. This is especially true when you embark on building an online… Continue reading Creating online communities for businesses

Online community building for businesses

What do circuses, the Internet and Harry Potter fans have in common? They are all communities that house numerous individuals sharing experiences and showing support on a common interest that defies geographical limitations. The 21st Century is an age where information reaches thousands in mere seconds, and what that can do for your business is… Continue reading Online community building for businesses