Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 useful Windows Phone apps for business

One important decision businesses have to make is choosing the right technology to boost productivity and profitability – and a growing number are turning to smartphones. And when it comes to smartphones for business users, Windows Phones and its features are well-positioned to assist in daily business operations. Let’s take a look at some useful… Continue reading 5 useful Windows Phone apps for business

5 Windows Phone features for business

Windows Phones may not have the biggest market share in the smartphone industry, but they have a number of useful features for business people. Whether you’re seeking the ability to do business presentations, increase productivity or manage devices remotely, Windows Phones have the capability for this and more. So if you’re using a Windows Phone,… Continue reading 5 Windows Phone features for business

Built-in Windows Phone features for business

Integrating technology to reduce costs and increase productivity has always been a profitable approach for business owners. With the emergence of new technologies in recent years, businesses can take their pick from the best tools available. Among the best of these is the Windows Phone, the smartphone is packed with built-in functions suitable for various… Continue reading Built-in Windows Phone features for business