Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Safeguard your Android devices from ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that locks users out of their devices or encrypts their data until a ransom is paid. This form of attack has become increasingly widespread in recent years, and it has even begun to target Android devices. This certainly poses a threat to any business, so it’s important that you… Continue reading Safeguard your Android devices from ransomware

How to secure your Android devices and business from mobile ransomware

In the past few years, ransomware has become one of the most widespread and dangerous forms of malware. This type of malicious software can infect your computer, smartphone, or tablet, and hold your data hostage until you pay a ransom. If you’re not careful, your Android device could be infected with ransomware and your business… Continue reading How to secure your Android devices and business from mobile ransomware

Android ransomware: How it works and how to protect yourself from it

In recent years, ransomware has become increasingly sophisticated and widespread, infecting not just Windows PCs but also Android smartphones and tablets. If you’re concerned about the security of your Android devices and your business, read on for tips on how to protect yourself from mobile ransomware. How does mobile ransomware work? Android users may unknowingly… Continue reading Android ransomware: How it works and how to protect yourself from it

Using folders to organize Android apps

Navigating through a cluttered Android home screen can be time-consuming and frustrating. To avoid the hassle of finding the app among the jumble of apps on their devices, some users might use the voice assistant, the search function, or the app drawer. An easier way to do this is to organize the apps in folders.… Continue reading Using folders to organize Android apps

Organize Android apps by creating folders

When you download apps, your Android device usually stores them on the home screen. As you download more apps over time, your home screen might become cluttered, making it difficult for you to find the app you want to use. Fortunately, you can quickly and easily fix this problem by organizing your apps in folders.… Continue reading Organize Android apps by creating folders

How to organize Android apps

Is your Android device’s home screen packed with randomly arranged apps — including those you’ve never used before? A cluttered screen makes it difficult to find the app you want to use. One way to access these apps quicker is to organize them in folders, and this guide will show you how. Creating a folder… Continue reading How to organize Android apps

How to protect your Android device from ransomware

Over the past few years, ransomware has become increasingly widespread and sophisticated. This form of malware has even spread to Android smartphones and tablets, putting organizations that rely on mobile devices at risk of data loss and other productivity-crippling problems. Read on to learn how mobile ransomware works and how you can safeguard your Android… Continue reading How to protect your Android device from ransomware

Keep ransomware out of your Android device with these tips

More and more organizations are using mobile devices to conduct various business processes, from staying in touch with customers and partners to performing financial transactions. This fact is not lost on cybercriminals — they’re launching ransomware to get into Android devices and hold the data on these devices hostage in exchange for large sums of… Continue reading Keep ransomware out of your Android device with these tips

Get more from Android devices with the right accessory

Android devices are known for their versatility, a quality that’s made possible not just by the sheer variety of applications they support, but also by the many accessories you can use with them. Knowing what these accessories are and how you can connect them will help you get more out of your Android device. USB… Continue reading Get more from Android devices with the right accessory

What accessories can you connect to Android devices?

How do you make your Android device much more fun? Turn it into a gaming console, of course, complete with an Xbox-style controller! Indeed, there are so many ways to transform your Android device, thanks to the wide variety of accessories it supports. USB keyboards, mice, and gamepads Android phones and tablets don’t usually have… Continue reading What accessories can you connect to Android devices?