Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Why you need an identity and access management solution

Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, and as a business owner, you need to deploy strong defenses if you want to protect sensitive data. Many companies rely on antivirus software and firewalls, but those solutions are no longer enough. A cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution is essential for protecting your digital assets from hackers,… Continue reading Why you need an identity and access management solution

The crucial role of identity and access management in cybersecurity

When it comes to protecting your business from cyberattacks, you can never be too careful. Hackers are always looking for any opportunity to steal critical data or wreak havoc on company systems. To truly secure your business from cyberattacks, you need a comprehensive identity and access management (IAM) solution. IAM: An overview IAM is a… Continue reading The crucial role of identity and access management in cybersecurity

The importance of identity and access management in protecting your business

No matter how well you protect your business from cyberattacks, there is always a risk that someone will find a way to break in. That’s why it’s essential to have a comprehensive security plan that includes a cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of IAM in… Continue reading The importance of identity and access management in protecting your business

A guide to protecting your Microsoft 365 data

Microsoft 365 offers a number of features to help you protect your business’s data. In this article, we provide seven ways to boost data protection in Microsoft 365. Follow these tips so you can rest assured that your data is safe and secure. Secure mobile devices It’s common for employees nowadays to use personal smartphones… Continue reading A guide to protecting your Microsoft 365 data

How to boost data protection in Microsoft 365

Using Microsoft 365 is a great way to keep your data safe, but the platform is not impervious to attacks. In this article, we will discuss the ways you can boost the protection of your data in Microsoft 365. Follow these tips to help keep your data safe from prying eyes and malicious actors. Secure… Continue reading How to boost data protection in Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 data security: 7 Ways to boost protection

Microsoft 365 has become an incredibly popular choice for enterprises of all sizes looking for a comprehensive set of tools for staying productive and secure. But as with using any software, it is important to take steps to protect your data. In this article, we will discuss seven ways to boost data protection in Microsoft… Continue reading Microsoft 365 data security: 7 Ways to boost protection

The benefits of identity and access management to your organization

Every technology you use — whether it’s a cloud-based program, a mobile application, or on-premises servers — contains sensitive business data vital to conducting operations. So how can you ensure the security of such data from cyberthreats like identity theft, phishing attacks, and other forms of fraud? Identity and access management (IAM) is the answer… Continue reading The benefits of identity and access management to your organization

What you need to know about identity and access management systems

Every day, your employees use applications and sensitive business data. Hackers, on the other hand, are out to steal the same information for their own gain. Worse yet, workers who turn rogue can easily steal your data. This is why implementing an identity and access management (IAM) solution is critical. What is IAM? Identity and… Continue reading What you need to know about identity and access management systems

What are identity and access management systems?

Businesses frequently deploy strong antivirus software and firewalls to protect themselves against cyberattacks, but relying on just those is not enough. A cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution is essential for protecting your digital assets from hackers, rogue employees, and weak passwords. What is IAM? Identity and access management is a system that secures,… Continue reading What are identity and access management systems?

7 Ways to boost data protection in Microsoft 365

More than just offering apps and cloud services designed to boost productivity, Microsoft 365 also provides robust security tools for protecting data from loss and theft. Make the most out of these tools and ensure data security by following these tips. Take advantage of policy alerts Establish policy notifications in Microsoft 365’s Compliance Center to… Continue reading 7 Ways to boost data protection in Microsoft 365