Technology Advice for Small Businesses

The countdown begins for Windows 7 users

As the saying goes: Out with the old, in with the new. That’s exactly what Microsoft is encouraging Windows 7 users to do as soon as possible. It’s been reported that Windows 7 in 2017 is so outdated that patches are unable to secure it anymore. Maybe it’s the nostalgic qualities that make it hard… Continue reading The countdown begins for Windows 7 users

No more extended support for Windows 7

When you grow accustomed to something — like a morning routine, a particular type of coffee, or in this case, an operating system — attempts at change aren’t always successful. Case in point, the struggle between Windows 7 and Windows 10. Users have until 2020 to make up their minds, and unless you don’t mind… Continue reading No more extended support for Windows 7

Why patches are failing to secure Windows 7

Kicking off the three-year countdown to end extended user support, Microsoft is bringing an end to the Windows 7 era — and for good reason. Because it’s so outdated, security patches are no longer able to keep it safe. Without a solid operating system, not only will users work at sluggish speeds, but they’ll also… Continue reading Why patches are failing to secure Windows 7

2017 HIPAA forecast: 3 important reminders

Although totally necessary, data privacy regulations are often a gigantic headache. And king among the various compliance standards is HIPAA. Despite the legislation’s enactment back in 2003, the rules governing electronic medical records and protected health information continue to change and evolve every year. Let’s take a moment to go over three things you need… Continue reading 2017 HIPAA forecast: 3 important reminders

HIPAA in 2017: 3 crucial considerations

When talking about IT within the healthcare industry, it’s pretty difficult for conversations to stray too far from HIPAA compliance. And as the number of audits and penalties continue to increase, those conversations only become more prevalent. As small- and medium-sized businesses review their policies at the beginning of a new year, let’s cover some… Continue reading HIPAA in 2017: 3 crucial considerations

3 Reminders for HIPAA compliance in 2017

Even if notable punishments and fines for HIPAA non-compliance have only been doled out over the last 6 years, data privacy regulations have been around for 14. And with each passing year, these rules evolve in ways that make it near impossible to keep up without an expert on hand. As we kick off 2017,… Continue reading 3 Reminders for HIPAA compliance in 2017

Hackers use browsers to get credit card info

Does filling in web forms sap all your browsing energy? Do you find it especially taxing to shop or register online using a mobile device? Google’s Chrome alleviated this dilemma when it introduced the Autofill feature in 2011, which made filling in forms much faster and making credit card purchases online more convenient. Unfortunately, it… Continue reading Hackers use browsers to get credit card info

Chrome and Safari: hackers’ newest tools

Filling out web forms often seems like an unbearably monotonous obstacle that gets in the way of online shopping, booking a plane ticket, and doing other types of online registration. With many of today’s transactions done online, people have become accustomed to relying on their browsers’ autofill function to save time. But being able to… Continue reading Chrome and Safari: hackers’ newest tools

Browsers leak sensitive info to hackers

The Autofill feature fills a void in the web browsing habits of many. It eliminates the need to enter all your details when logging on your social media accounts or when checking out your basket after e-shopping. On Chrome and Safari browsers, however, danger lurks when you rely too much on autofill. Without knowing it,… Continue reading Browsers leak sensitive info to hackers

The business benefits of CRM software

Investing in customer relationship management (CRM) software is absolutely essential for small- and medium-sized businesses that want to up their sales performance. It helps sales departments understand their clients, tailor their marketing efforts, and more. If your business isn’t already using CRM, here are five reasons why you should definitely give it a chance. Grows… Continue reading The business benefits of CRM software