Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Ways continuity plans can fail

The vast majority of business owners are well aware of the fact that disaster can strike at any time. As a result most do take steps to prevent this from happening or at least limiting the potential impact. However, there is always a chance that these plans don’t work. To help prevent this from happening… Continue reading Ways continuity plans can fail

How continuity plans can fail

When it comes to business continuity, many business owners are aware of the fact that a disaster can happen at any time, and therefore take steps to prepare for this, usually by implementing a continuity plan. However, the reality is that many businesses implement plans that could lead to business failure. One way to avoid… Continue reading How continuity plans can fail

5 Ways BCP plans can fail

Many business owners and managers readily acknowledge the fact that they need to be prepared for a disaster, and most do have backup-plans in place should something actually go wrong. The thing is, it can be difficult to actually know if your plan will be enough to see your business through a disaster. What can… Continue reading 5 Ways BCP plans can fail