Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to protect your iPhone from phishers

While iOS is relatively more difficult to penetrate than other operating systems, clever criminals have found a way to breach its security. Through voice phishing, scammers are tricking iPhone users by pretending to be from Apple Support and asking for their login credentials. Here’s what you can do so you don’t fall prey to these… Continue reading How to protect your iPhone from phishers

Apple users beware: Voice phishing is here

If you think your iPhone is safe from phishers, think again. Criminals are getting smarter by the day, and recently, they’ve been using voice phishing scams, pretending to call on behalf of Apple Support to make iPhone owners divulge sensitive information.. Do not be a victim of voice phishing by following these tips. If you… Continue reading Apple users beware: Voice phishing is here

Safeguard your iPhone from phishing

Phishing scams have been around for years, and they’ve gotten smarter with time. Recently, criminals have been targeting iPhone users through a voice phishing scam that makes the call appear like it’s coming from Apple Support. Fortunately, there are simple but effective tips so you don’t fall prey to this notorious scheme. If you receive… Continue reading Safeguard your iPhone from phishing