Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Perfect posts on Facebook

When it comes to businesses on Facebook, one of the holy grails is crafting the perfect post that sees engagement factors like views, shares, likes, and comments maximized. For many, finding the perfect post is nearly impossible, but there is a ton of data out there that could help point you in the right direction.… Continue reading Perfect posts on Facebook

Facebook post perfection

Businesses on Facebook have many different goals as to why they use the platform, but there is one thing in common that they all strive for: The perfect post. The issue with finding the ‘perfect post’ is that it can be actually quite difficult, especially when you take into account the large amount of data… Continue reading Facebook post perfection

Is there a perfect Facebook post?

As a business owner, there is a good chance that you have a Facebook Page. Many Page owners are keen to help expand their customer base and regularly post content on the platform, looking for increased interaction. While it is certainly easy to keep the posts flowing, posting successful content is more difficult to achieve… Continue reading Is there a perfect Facebook post?