Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks

The volume of malicious cyber attacks is increasing every year. Although many companies use the latest network security systems, they aren’t immune to the hackers’ favorite strategy — social engineering. Unlike malware, social engineering tricks people into volunteering sensitive data. Here’s what you should know to protect your business. Phishing This is the most frequently… Continue reading Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks

Beware of these social engineering tactics

The Rio Summer Olympics took place years ago, but the hackers who infamously used social engineering to exploit the event are still with us. Although business owners may think that their systems are safe from malware, they may not be prepared for social engineering. This strategy can be used to steal personal information from unsuspecting… Continue reading Beware of these social engineering tactics

4 Social engineering scams to watch out for

Experts are constantly creating new security systems to protect individuals and businesses from hackers. From those who want to attend popular events like the Olympics to avoiding an angry boss, hackers are preying on gullible victims to circumvent network security systems and steal sensitive information. If you don’t want to be the next victim, read… Continue reading 4 Social engineering scams to watch out for

Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks

According to several reports, the volume of malicious cyber attacks have increased since the beginning of the Rio Olympics. And even though our devices have the latest network security systems, hackers have a cunning trick up their sleeves — social engineering. Unlike malware and other viruses, social engineering tricks people into divulging sensitive data to… Continue reading Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks

Beware of these social engineering tactics

As the spectacle and competitive atmosphere of the Rio Olympic Games have drawn the world’s attention, hackers who use social engineering are inching closer to our private information. Although our systems may be prepared for the likes of malware and worms, social engineering is a different beast of its own. If used effectively, hackers can… Continue reading Beware of these social engineering tactics

4 Social engineering scams to watch out for

Every time we learn about a cyberattack that has affected so many businesses, we invest in security technologies that will safeguard our systems. This year, however, social engineering attacks have taken center stage in the Rio Olympics. Using various scams, hackers can circumvent network security systems by convincing gullible users into giving away sensitive information.… Continue reading 4 Social engineering scams to watch out for