Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Hardware for Electronic Health Records

Ease of access, legibility, and accuracy are all key factors when you’re maintaining important business records. They’re even more important when it comes to the tracking of medical patients’ information. And thanks EHR, you no longer need to shuffle through reams of paper files, attempt to decipher doctors’ messy handwriting, or wonder if the data… Continue reading Hardware for Electronic Health Records

The fundamentals of EHR hardware

Having to “check the files” without the aid of computers can be quite cumbersome. In the healthcare industry in particular, patient files are practically libraries unto themselves with medical history, allergies, vaccine status, lab test results, personal statistics, billing info, etc. all kept on record. Thanks to EHR, though, hospital staff don’t have to handle… Continue reading The fundamentals of EHR hardware

EHR hardware: what you need to know

Computers have changed the world in so many obviously amazing ways that cataloguing them is hardly necessary. But what about the more mundane areas of business where technology has changed things, such as with assembly lines or recordkeeping systems? Digital technology has in fact totally transformed the latter, especially in the healthcare industry with something… Continue reading EHR hardware: what you need to know