Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Get more productivity from your iPad

Ever wish you could get more work done with your iPad? You’re not alone. In fact, one of the main reasons people purchase an iPad in the first place is because they believe it will give them the ability to be more productive while out and about. The reality is that many individuals only end… Continue reading Get more productivity from your iPad

iPad productivity tools to help you out

Many people buy an iPad with hopes that it can increase their productivity when outside of the office. Unfortunately, it can end up in a drawer somewhere or perhaps given to your child if you never manage to incorporate into your work processes. Owning an iPad alone is simply not enough to help you increase… Continue reading iPad productivity tools to help you out

Boost your productivity using an iPad

Have you ever seen someone on an airplane using their iPad to knockout some work and wanted to know what their secret was? It’s actually not as complicated as you might think. With a few accessories and apps in place, you too can enjoy greater productivity when using your iPad. Now you’re probably wondering just… Continue reading Boost your productivity using an iPad

4 reasons you should consider the iPad Pro

Whether you’re considering a new tablet as a gift for a loved one or are interested in decking out your offices with a couple dozen of them, the iPad Pro is worth your consideration. With the ability to use a keyboard as well other new features, this iPad takes a quantum jump ahead of its… Continue reading 4 reasons you should consider the iPad Pro

Why you should consider the iPad Pro

If you’re a fan of the iPad, you may be wondering whether or not to shell out the hefty chunk of cash required to purchase the new iPad Pro. And at the high price tag of $799, you may be curious to know if this can replace your laptop, since it practically costs the same… Continue reading Why you should consider the iPad Pro

Is the iPad Pro worth buying?

With the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and iPad Pro both recently released, there is a lot of debate to be had as to which is the better device. So instead of looking at the differences between these two, let’s just focus on what’s special about the iPad Pro. Is it worth buying? How is it… Continue reading Is the iPad Pro worth buying?