Technology Advice for Small Businesses

The way to inbox zero? It’s snooze by Streak

Email is the force that powers our businesses and keeps our workloads flowing – but one too many messages in your inbox can also be a drain on motivation and productivity. Feeling like you stand no hope of ever getting to the end of a bottomless inbox is a surefire way to underachieve. But while… Continue reading The way to inbox zero? It’s snooze by Streak

Get to inbox zero with snooze from Streak

Inbox zero is what we all dream of – a serenely empty screen, clear of clutter and immediate demands on our time. It involves cleaning out your inbox of absolutely everything, including filing away messages that need action but which you can’t do anything about right away. But for most of us, inbox zero is… Continue reading Get to inbox zero with snooze from Streak

Streak snoozes emails and clears your inbox

Nobody wants to arrive at the office in the morning to an inbox full of hideous emails, and then to have those same messages staring at you all the way through the day – it’s a certified motivation and productivity killer if there ever was one. But it’s the reality for most of us, and… Continue reading Streak snoozes emails and clears your inbox