Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 tips to better online presentations

Many business owners and managers find that creating engaging presentations can be a real challenge. It can be incredibly difficult to not only develop a presentation that hits on all the important points, but also attracts and retains your audience’s attention. Throw in the fact that many presentations are now being made over the Internet… Continue reading 5 tips to better online presentations

5 online presentation tips

Presentations are an integral part of any business, regardless of size. There is a good chance that you will have to give at least one presentation in your career, with many people giving so many they lose count. Many small businesses are starting to hire remote workers or carry out business over large distances, which… Continue reading 5 online presentation tips

Tips for better presentations online

There is a common trend with businesses, especially small to medium businesses, of hiring remote workers and also of working with clients at greater distances than ever before. As a result, an increasing number of businesses are creating remote presentations, or using software to present to an audience over the Internet. However, this style of… Continue reading Tips for better presentations online

How to write a better to-do list

Are you looking for a tried and tested way of increasing your productivity? If so, then there are a number of solutions. One of the most effective is writing a to-do list to help you really get on top of your day-to-day tasks.This guide will help you craft an effective one so you can skyrocket… Continue reading How to write a better to-do list

Writing an effective to-do list

No one can refute the positive benefits of creating a to-do list when you really need to get things done. One of the most evident advantages is that it gives people who use it the ability to increase their productivity. A problem many business owners run across is that their lists are hard to follow,… Continue reading Writing an effective to-do list

Boost productivity with to-do lists

When it comes to productivity, many business owners rely on to-do lists. However, writing an effective to-do list can be quite a challenging task. Though a lot of people jot down their tasks for the day or week ahead they don’t always fully realize the benefits of their list because it is either poorly crafted… Continue reading Boost productivity with to-do lists

Email handling for business

If you’re running a business, regardless of whether you have physical premises or operate in a virtual world, you probably receive a continuous stream of emails every minute of every day and beyond. Because of this, many business owners have a hard time simply handling the sheer volume of emails. If you’re dealing with the… Continue reading Email handling for business

5 effective tips to optimize your email

Email is one of the most vital ways businesses communicate. You need to have time to check your emails throughout the day and often to respond quickly so that you don’t come across as rude to the message senders. The problem many business owners face is that they have too many emails to communicate effectively.… Continue reading 5 effective tips to optimize your email

Optimize email for productivity

Business emails are piling up in your inbox like it will never stop. This is where email handling tips come in handy if you want to get on top of the constant flood of messages. Managing your business email account be challenging, especially when you need to accomplish many tasks such as reading and responding… Continue reading Optimize email for productivity

5 mobile productivity apps

It’s a new year and with it many people, business owners included, are undoubtedly setting goals and resolutions for the year ahead. When it comes to businesses, many owners and managers set a resolution to become more productive, something which isn’t always easy. Luckily, there are numerous apps out there that can help, and with… Continue reading 5 mobile productivity apps