Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Office workers are far too familiar with slideshow presentations that are either more soporific than cough medicine or are horrible time sinks that make them miss their deadlines. To avoid becoming the next target of their ire and resentment — and perhaps become the presenter everyone actually enjoys — here are some tips on how… Continue reading Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Presenting using PowerPoint? Use these tips

Do you find it difficult to keep your audience’s attention whenever you do a PowerPoint presentation? You’re in luck because we have some of the best tricks of the trade to share with you. Start slideshows instantly The audience doesn’t want to see the speaker’s cluttered desktop or unread emails as the PowerPoint presentation is… Continue reading Presenting using PowerPoint? Use these tips

Say goodbye to Office 365 — and hello to Microsoft 365

Microsoft recently introduced its new Microsoft 365 (M365) Personal and Family subscriptions, which will replace their Office 365 (O365) Home and Personal plans. The company wants its new bundles to be “the subscription for your life to help you make the most of your time, connect, and protect the ones you love, and to develop… Continue reading Say goodbye to Office 365 — and hello to Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365: New Office 365 features for the same price

On April 21, Microsoft rebranded its Office 365 (O365) Home and Personal plans asMicrosoft 365 (M365) Personal and Family subscriptions. The company’s officials describe the new bundles as “the subscription for your life to help you make the most of your time, connect, and protect the ones you love, and to develop and grow.” But… Continue reading Microsoft 365: New Office 365 features for the same price

Office 365 is now Microsoft 365: New features, same price

Microsoft recently launched its new slate of consumer service plans: Microsoft 365 (M365) Personal and Family. This will replace Office 365 (O365) Home and Personal, signaling the shift of the company’s consumer bundles from just a set of tools to powerful solutions that help you manage both work and life. But Microsoft isn’t simply rebranding… Continue reading Office 365 is now Microsoft 365: New features, same price

Your guide to the best office apps for Android

There are hundreds of office apps on Google Play Store, each designed to help workers everywhere boost their productivity and efficiency. To save you the hassle of choosing the one that best suits your needs as well as your teams’, we’ve come up with a list of some of the best office apps for Android… Continue reading Your guide to the best office apps for Android

Great Android office apps to boost your productivity

Google Play Store offers a wide range of office apps for Android smartphones and tablets. Such apps allow users to work whenever and wherever, with some even allowing them to do work even when they’re offline. Read on to learn about some of the best office apps for Android. Microsoft Office View, edit, share, and… Continue reading Great Android office apps to boost your productivity

2020’s best office apps for Android

More and more companies are adopting remote work policies, offering myriad benefits to both employers and employees. Having the right tools at your disposal will ensure that you and your remote staff can be as productive and efficient as possible. Here are some of the best office suite apps for Android devices. Microsoft Office View,… Continue reading 2020’s best office apps for Android

Presenting using PowerPoint? Use these tips

Do you find it difficult to keep your audience’s attention whenever you do a PowerPoint presentation? You’re in luck, because we have some of the best tricks of the trade to share with you. Start slideshows instantly The audience doesn’t want to see the speaker’s cluttered desktop or unread emails as the PowerPoint presentation is… Continue reading Presenting using PowerPoint? Use these tips

Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Office workers are far too familiar with slideshow presentations that are either more soporific than cough medicine or are horrible time sinks that make them miss their deadlines. To avoid becoming the next target of their ire and resentment — and perhaps become the presenter everyone actually enjoys — here are some tips on how… Continue reading Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips