Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Tips for buying a business projector

If your last corporate presentation looked faded or dim on screen, or your existing projector is still the bulky, heavy kind, it may be time to buy a new office projector. But before you purchase one, you need to be more informed of your options so your investment will not go to waste. Here’s a… Continue reading Tips for buying a business projector

A buyer’s guide to business projectors

A typical projector bulb lasts 2,000 hours (and newer ones, like LED lamps, can go up to 20,000 hours). But there are other factors that affect a projector’s lifetime before it needs replacement. If you’re unsure about what to look for in your next projector purchase, this list will help you choose the best product.… Continue reading A buyer’s guide to business projectors

Best for SMBs: Laptop or desktop?

In today’s business world, computers are an essential investment. Considering the tight budgets of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMB), one can’t afford to invest in the wrong hardware. Which is the smartest investment, especially for startups? Laptops or Desktops? Portability Laptops allow you to keep working when you don’t have an electrical outlet. However, this… Continue reading Best for SMBs: Laptop or desktop?

Business computers: things to look for

When it comes to business computers, you can’t mess around. The wrong choice of hardware can pile up costs for any small- and medium-sized business (SMB). You don’t need unnecessary repairs, incompatible systems, and data breaches slowing operations down or draining resources. This guide will help your SMB make cost-efficient choices in hardware. Portability Laptops… Continue reading Business computers: things to look for

Which business computers are best?

We know that IT plays a big role in reaching your small- and medium-sized business (SMB) milestones. When it comes to hardware, you don’t need to be an IT expert to find the best possible solution. Here’s a concise and helpful guide to the best hardware for your SMB. Portability Laptops allow you to keep… Continue reading Which business computers are best?

Considerations when buying a new projector

Love them or hate them, projectors are the modern day soapbox. They give you the platform to present your case to a wider audience without compromising your content. Like most hardware purchases, however, they’re accompanied by a list of measurements and specifications you likely have little experience with. If you’re in the market for some… Continue reading Considerations when buying a new projector

Business projectors: a buyer’s guide

If your last business presentation was dim, faded, or encumbered by bulky equipment, it’s probably time for a new office projector. And like any hardware purchase, that means a host of new specifications and measurements need to be learned to avoid sinking money into a useless lemon. If you’re in the market for a quick… Continue reading Business projectors: a buyer’s guide

4 things to look for in a business projector

The average projector lifespan is around 2,000 hours. That means it’s probably been a long time since you last went shopping for a new one. If you’re unsure what to be looking for in your next purchase, you’re not alone. With every year comes updated features and industry standards for your hardware, and we’re here… Continue reading 4 things to look for in a business projector