Technology Advice for Small Businesses

5 Cyber risks for retailers this holiday season

For retailers, the holidays are the busiest time of the year, and it’s easy to overlook cybersecurity amid all the chaos. However, proactive measures can help prevent potential cyberthreats from disrupting business operations and customer trust. Here are common cyberthreats during the holidays and some ways retailers can defend against these. Ransomware attacks Ransomware is… Continue reading 5 Cyber risks for retailers this holiday season

How retailers can defend against cyberthreats in the holidays

The influx of customers and transactions during the holiday season may be great for business, but it also means that retailers are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. From phishing scams to data breaches, cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to take advantage of the holiday rush. Here are five common cyber risks that retailers should be… Continue reading How retailers can defend against cyberthreats in the holidays

Top holiday cyberthreats retailers need to watch out for

During the holidays, retailers can feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks they need to complete. But while keeping up with the holiday rush, they also need to be vigilant about potential cyberthreats. With more customers shopping online and increased payment activity, there are several risks that can affect retailers during this time. Below are… Continue reading Top holiday cyberthreats retailers need to watch out for