Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Containers Vs. VMs: performance variations

Virtual containers have incrementally increased the ability of users to create portable, self-contained kernels of information and applications since the technology first appeared in the early 2000s. Now, containers are one of the biggest data trends of the decade — some say at the expense of the virtual machine (VM) technology that preceded them. Read… Continue reading Containers Vs. VMs: performance variations

Subtle nuances: Containers vs. VMs

2016 saw containerization (container-based virtualization) take off as a way for companies to utilize virtual platforms more efficiently. While containers use less resources than their virtual machine (VM) counterparts, performance differences are subtle and don’t necessarily make containers better. For more information on understanding the differences between containers and virtual machines, check out what these… Continue reading Subtle nuances: Containers vs. VMs

Rating the performance of containers

When containers were first implemented, the idea was to provide users a way to deploy applications without the need to open a new virtual machine, thereby saving resources and time. Since the advent of Docker the container trend has turned into an obsession with developers, which begs the question: How long until containers replace the… Continue reading Rating the performance of containers