Technology Advice for Small Businesses

Advertising on its way to Facebook Messenger

If you enjoy being able to use Facebook Messenger without seeing endless advertisements, then prepare to be disappointed. It appears that those days are numbered, since the social networking giant has announced its plans to make the service ad-supported. Though the move will likely prove unpopular with regular users, it marks an interesting turn in… Continue reading Advertising on its way to Facebook Messenger

Facebook is about to bring ads to Messenger

Say goodbye to your advertising-free Facebook Messenger conversations – the social networking giant has announced its plans to bring promotional messages into the fold. The private messaging feature of Facebook became one of the site’s newest features when it was recently branched off of the main platform. The move is not likely to win applause… Continue reading Facebook is about to bring ads to Messenger

Facebook Messenger is about to get adverts

It has surely been a long time coming, and now it is official – the days of advertising-free conversations on Facebook Messenger are numbered. The social networking giant has confirmed that its private messaging service, a recent addition to its suite as a standalone app, is to become supported by advertising. While the move is… Continue reading Facebook Messenger is about to get adverts