Technology Advice for Small Businesses

4 useful mobile marketing tips

In this era of ever-present technology, mobile phones are among one of the most frequently used devices for Internet access. They’ve changed the way most people live; gone are hardcover books, in are eBooks, no more paper money, it’s PayPal all the way. So what does this mean for businesses? It means you can no… Continue reading 4 useful mobile marketing tips

4 mobile marketing tips for businesses

In today’s society of instant gratification, people have short attention spans. They want to have everything accessible at their fingertips via smartphones and tablets. For businesses with an online presence, this is either a new opportunity – or a missed one. Establishing mobile strategies to target smartphone addicts can give you an edge over competitors… Continue reading 4 mobile marketing tips for businesses

4 tips for mobile marketing

Nowadays, the advancements of mobile technology emphasize just how crucial mobile marketing is in boosting any company’s profitability. People are increasingly using smartphone devices for everyday tasks, from checking the time to making online payments. As a small business owner, you might want to adjust accordingly, and jump into the whole mobile approach to reach… Continue reading 4 tips for mobile marketing