Technology Advice for Small Businesses helps make your meetings productive

Too many of us associate corporate meetings with long, dull sessions that lack focus, go round and round in circles and end up not reaching the concrete conclusions we need from them. In fact, many of these meetings probably don’t even need to be held in the first place, and certainly plenty of us would… Continue reading helps make your meetings productive

Get more done in meetings with

Are your corporate meetings the hotbed of productivity and decision making that they should be? Probably not. Of the billions of meetings held in organizations around the world each year, too many are slow, lacking pace and without focus – and, in truth, plenty of those meetings probably don’t even need to be held in… Continue reading Get more done in meetings with

Make meetings more productive with

Meetings are meant to be hotbeds of production, where decisions get taken, people get updates and projects get moved forward. Yet all too often, they become a strain on your workforce’s productivity, hours out of the day when staff are taken away from their jobs to sit in inefficient sessions which are too long and… Continue reading Make meetings more productive with