Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to avoid your own Delta IT disaster

Earlier this year, thousands of Delta passengers worldwide were grounded due to a power outage that halted critical IT operations. This was a huge problem not only for the many delayed travelers, but also for the airline company itself. Within three days, the airline company cancelled around 2300 flights and paid over millions of dollars… Continue reading How to avoid your own Delta IT disaster

What can we learn from Delta’s IT outage?

Companies can pay a hefty sum if they ever experience any downtime. In fact, Delta Air Lines had a bad bout of severe downtime just last month. In just three days, the airline company cancelled 2300 scheduled flights and suffered $150 million in income loss. That doesn’t even account for the considerable reputational damage from… Continue reading What can we learn from Delta’s IT outage?

4 Lessons to learn from Delta’s DR failure

Delta is paying big for the IT outage that occurred last month: millions of dollars in damages, 2300 cancelled flights, and significant reputational damage. Despite the harsh cut to the airline’s bottom line, Delta will probably still survive. But the real question is this: Can your business survive after long periods of downtime? A natural… Continue reading 4 Lessons to learn from Delta’s DR failure