Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How the iPhone is making health care easier

It’s Monday morning and your daughter has a stomach ache and can’t get out of bed. You have a full week ahead of you with business meetings and chauffeuring around your son to soccer and football practice. When on earth are you going to have time to take your little girl to the doctor? Not… Continue reading How the iPhone is making health care easier

iPhone gadgets for quicker health care

Is finding time in your busy schedule to visit a doctor getting more and more difficult? Do you wish it could be easier and quicker to stay on top of your and your child’s healthcare? If so, the Apple iPhone’s new health apps and accessories may just be the answer you’re looking for. From diagnosing… Continue reading iPhone gadgets for quicker health care

How the iPhone is revolutionizing health care

We’re all busy. Our schedules are loaded with work, fitness regimes, kids’ soccer practices – it’s enough to make your head spin. So when your son or daughter gets sick, how do you squeeze their care into your day? The iPhone’s latest health apps and accessories may be the solution you’ve been searching for, giving… Continue reading How the iPhone is revolutionizing health care