Technology Advice for Small Businesses

How to charge your iPhone faster

If you’ve owned an iPhone for more than a few months, maybe even weeks, you’ve likely been caught in a situation where you need to charge your battery fast but have only a limited amount of time to access a power supply. While the obvious solution is to simply plug it into the nearest outlet… Continue reading How to charge your iPhone faster

Charge your iPhone’s battery faster

It’s Friday night, and you’re getting ready to go out for the evening. You’ve got your wallet, keys, and extra cash – you’re good to go. You quickly glance at your iPhone to check the time, and that’s when you notice the problem all iOS users dread. You have 20% battery! While you do have… Continue reading Charge your iPhone’s battery faster

How to charge your iPhone’s battery faster

If you’re like most iPhone users, you’ve likely found yourself in the sticky situation where you need to charge your phone quickly, but only have access to a power supply for a short duration. While this can be a high anxiety producing situation for many, there is actually a way to speed up the rate… Continue reading How to charge your iPhone’s battery faster